Mental Health Forum: Music is Good for Well-Being

Journey Into Musicwith Betty SpamerPractitioner of Music Imagery Sunday, February 9, 11:45 am, Loper Chapel Music is good: for mind, body and spirit.  Explore your relationship with music and its positive effects through the process Journey into Music. In the late 1960s, a musician and music therapist named Helen Bonny researched how music, classical in particular, could meet one’s psychological …

Sunday’s Lunch Raises Money for Youth

Sunday, February 2, 11:15 am, Terrace Our wonderful youth host a lunch before the meeting as a fundraiser for their summer work camp! Work camp is an incredible experience for our youth- it allows them to practice independence, engage with people and communities they otherwise would never experience, participate in projects that directly help real people, learn about justice issues …

Real Good Church Book Discussion

The summer small group bookclub continues through the winter and will have its next meeting on Saturday March 21, from 10 am to 12 pm, in Alameda. The book to be discussed is our Senior Minister Rev. Molly Baskette’s Real Good Church: How Our Church Came Back from the Dead, and Yours Can, Too.  You are invited to join the bookclub …

Volunteer Opportunity

The Federal Correctional Institution at Dublin (FCI Dublin, women’s correctional institution), California will hold their annual mock job fair for inmates on Wednesday, April 22. There is a first session in one facility from 8:30 a.m. to 10:45 a.m., and a second session from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in an adjacent facility. Volunteers can participate in either the first or the …

Why we endorse Housing First to address the homelessness crisis.

by Alice Clark FCCB’s 2019 vision statement speaks of ending homelessness in the East Bay. How can it be ended? A few months ago, pursuant to our stated vision, our church council voted to endorse the multi-phased plan of EveryoneHome (, which aims to end homelessness in Alameda County.  This plan establishes several different sources of homelessness.  And it follows …

Pictorial Directories at Annual Meeting, Feb. 2

Copies of First Church’s pictorial directory (generated by our Realm database) will be available for pick up during our Annual Meeting on Sun., Feb. 2. We’d love to have as many photos of our community members as possible. If you haven’t already added your photo to your Realm profile, please do so by 5 pm, Wed., Jan. 29. If you need help uploading your photo, please email Louise …