You Can Return Your Commitment Card in Person

SanctuaryMonday, September 7, 10-12 (Kelly); Tuesday, September 8, 3-5 pm (Molly)Thursday, September 10, 4-6 pm (Molly) We invite you to come return your commitment card in person in the coming week. There are three slots where one of us will be in the sanctuary and we’ll have it open. If you’d like, we invite you to put your mask on (we’ll be …

A Positive Financial Outlook Through July

An important fiduciary responsibility of the Stewardship, Finance & Administration (SF&A) Ministry is monitoring the church’s annual operating budget to ensure our church finances are in a strong and sustainable position. The annual operating budget is developed by the SF&A Budget Committee, forwarded to Church Council, then reviewed and approved through a congregational vote each January at Annual Meeting. Our …