What uncertainty we have been living in as a community, as a church and as individuals! And yet we have, as those before us in other unprecedented times, pressed forward in day-to-day life and tasks. After several years of intense transition amongst our church staff, particularly the pastoral staff, I am excited to announce a plan for moving forward. After …
Nov. 7 Learning Hour: Mining the Treasures in our Life Stories
Sun., Nov. 7, 12:15 pmhttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/88967740143?pwd=M1pqRE92SnZBbjZKNmpvelBKVTNRdz09ID: 889 6774 0143 Passcode: 261432 Social and behavioral scientists have opened a rich store of techniques to collect and interpret life story narratives for adults of all ages and backgrounds. Join our learning hour host, Craig Pratt, for an exploration of science-based narrative methods that can be easily adapted to enrich your storytelling, journaling, and …