Become a Sustaining Giver

It’s our Season for Commitment here at First Church!  You should be receiving a letter (read letter here) from our Stewardship, Finance, and Administration ministry inviting you to prayerfully consider how you’ll be able to contribute to the financial needs of our congregation.  If you’re already a sustaining giver—thank you!  I’d love to invite you to give your sustaining gift a cost-of-living increase if you’re able, since just keeping things at the same level in church actually costs more than it used to.  And if you’re not yet a sustaining giver, please opt in!  As Eunice shared in worship (10/13), making a commitment really enriches your participation in the community. 

We’ll also be doing our third annual Telethon on Oct. 29 & 30.  We’re still recruiting callers, so let us know if you’re able to make a few calls those nights—and if not, please pick up your phone and chat with a friendly church person when they call!  If you turn in your commitment before the Telethon, you’ll get a “thank you” call instead of a reminder call, in case you need a little extra motivation to get that done. You can make your pledge online via Realm here!

As you all know, we’re only able to do the ministry that we’re able to fund from within our congregation.  So thank you, thank you to all who help empower our church’s witness and community!  

— Rev. Kelly Colwell