Care, Fellowship & Invitation Ministry invites you to share your holiday hospitality at the following two fun holiday events:
The Great Christmas Cookie Bake Off, Sat., Dec. 21, 1–4 pm, Durant House. We will provide ingredients for a basic sugar cookie recipe and you are invited to mix, bake, and decorate Christmas cookies to be shared with our church family and guests at the Christmas Eve Service After Party. You are also invited to bring recipes and additional ingredients for your own favorite holiday cookie or treat to make. All ages and baking abilities are welcome! Feel free to come and go as needed. It is a great way to share our delicious hospitality with others during this special time. Contact Sara Woods with any questions.
Christmas Eve Cookie Fest After Party, after the Candlelight Christmas Eve service (10 pm, Dec. 24). Look for inserts in the Order of Worship at regular Sunday worship services in December to sign up with your contribution of cookies and/or help. The Christmas season is a wonderful time to share your gifts with family, friends, neighbors, and guests. Help us make our final Christmas Eve service merry and bright with your gifts of confection. Contact Pat Pratt with any questions.