Dedication deadline: on or before Thurs., Dec. 19, 5 pm
If you’d like to honor and remember your beloveds this Christmas season in a tangible way, we’re trying something new. We invite you to “sponsor” a star or two on our Christmas service backdrop (see photo). Our youth will write the names of your loved one on a star. All dedications will also be included in the announcement slides shared during the 10 am Christmas Sunday service on Dec. 22.
To sponsor a star ($25 each), please fill out the online form here or email Louise Halsey ([email protected]) the following information on or before 5 pm Thurs., Dec. 19:
- Your name
- The name of the person(s) you’d like to honor
- How would you like to make your donation?
- online
- check
*All funds raised will support youth programs at First Church. To purchase online through Realm (choose “Memorial Stars for Beloveds” from the Fund dropdown menu) or write a check made out to First Church Berkeley with “Memorial Stars” in the memo line and mail it to the church office (2330 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704) attn: Louise Halsey.