Would you like to both serve your church and earn some extra money? Here are two wonderful opportunities to make First Church Berkeley a welcoming place!
The Personnel Committee at First Church is looking to hire few people to work as back-up Sunday Morning Hosts and Evening Event Hosts. Currently, Amare Gebreyesus fills both positions; however, he is not always available. Both positions require that the employee work on-site, be fully vaccinated, and be able to lift 50 pounds.
- Sunday Morning Hosts: People with a First Church connection preferred.
On an occasional, as-needed basis, work on Sunday from 8 am to 2 pm. Unlock doors; set up tables, chairs, and canopies; sweep and set up furniture on chancel; set up projector, screen, and microphone in Loper Chapel for Learning Hour; sweep and pick up litter around the church campus; prepare snacks and drinks for coffee hour; keep an eye on facilities inside and outside during the service; put all furniture and supplies away after the service; clean bathrooms and floors, as needed, before and after the service. Pays $21/hour. - Evening Event Hosts: Open to First Church-connected people and others. Please share this position with people you know who might be interested!
Variable schedule. Ideal for a student or person wanting part-time work that includes free time that can be used for studying, reading, etc. Work evenings, as needed, 5 pm to 12 am. Unlock doors; welcome and orient outside guests; set up tables and chairs; sweep and pick up litter around the church campus; be available to answer questions; put all furniture and supplies away after the event; clean all areas used. Pays $18/hour (including during the event, when Host can typically read/study).
For more information or to apply, please email [email protected].