First Church Members Wanted for Occasional Paid Work!

Would you like to both serve your church and earn some extra money? Here are two wonderful opportunities to make First Church Berkeley a welcoming place!

The Personnel Committee at First Church is looking to hire few people to work as back-up Sunday Morning Hosts and Evening Event Hosts. Currently, Amare Gebreyesus fills both positions; however, he is not always available. Both positions require that the employee work on-site, be fully vaccinated, and be able to lift 50 pounds.

  • Sunday Morning Hosts: People with a First Church connection preferred. 
    On an occasional, as-needed basis, work on Sunday from 8 am to 2 pm. Unlock doors; set up tables, chairs, and canopies; sweep and set up furniture on chancel; set up projector, screen, and microphone in Loper Chapel for Learning Hour; sweep and pick up litter around the church campus; prepare snacks and drinks for coffee hour; keep an eye on facilities inside and outside during the service; put all furniture and supplies away after the service; clean bathrooms and floors, as needed, before and after the service. Pays $21/hour. 
  • Evening Event Hosts: Open to First Church-connected people and others. Please share this position with people you know who might be interested
    Variable schedule. Ideal for a student or person wanting part-time work that includes free time that can be used for studying, reading, etc. Work evenings, as needed, 5 pm to 12 am. Unlock doors; welcome and orient outside guests; set up tables and chairs; sweep and pick up litter around the church campus; be available to answer questions; put all furniture and supplies away after the event; clean all areas used. Pays $18/hour (including during the event, when Host can typically read/study).

For more information or to apply, please email [email protected].