Geoffrey Gaskins Preaching on February 16, 2020, 10 am, Sanctuary

Geoffrey A. Gaskins, M.Div., was First Church’s Brown Barr Intern Minister from 2009-2011, and has been facilitating our Progressive Christian Bible Study since that time (since 2009!). Geoffrey’s professional life has included being an executive at a Bay Area start-up tech firm (animal cloning and stem cell research) and a marketing communications consultant to international law firms headquartered in the Bay Area

After getting his M.Div. at the Pacific School of Religion (2011), Geoffrey has served as an interim pastor of a small church in San Francisco and founded The Progressive Evangelical, a religious education organization that will be launching the Holy Rage Blog and a website providing online resources and community for progressive spiritual seekers in the Spirit of Jesus. (Currently projected for September, 2020) He also maintains a private practice as a spiritual director.

Geoffrey and his wife, Gail, recently moved to Guerneville, California, where they are learning a lot about slowing down, giant salamanders, and watching the river run.

Deuteronomy 30:15-20
Matthew 17:1-9
1 Corinthians 3:1-9

Sermon Title:
“Solid Food”