Have you ever wondered or been curious about prayer and how it can deepen and strengthen your personal and communal spiritual life? Lent is a perfect time to enter into some new spiritual practices, and during this upcoming church season FCCB is helping to coordinate prayer partnerships (or “buddies”) for members of the congregation.
If you are interested in being assigned a prayer partner to hop on the phone or meet in person with every week during the season of Lent, please fill out the survey here (ideally by Saturday, February 29th).
Additionally, do you have a personal testimony to the power of prayer? Any ideas or interest in becoming part of a new prayer ministry in the initial stages? Emerging Leader Emily Carduff would like to hear suggestions from all ages on how we can as a community develop a deeper sense of communion and intimacy with God through listening and responding to the stirrings of the Holy Spirit in our own hearts, in the congregation, in Berkeley, and in the wider world. Please send your thoughts to [email protected].