Living Fully by Preparing for Death: A Workshop to Contemplate Impermanence

Sat., June 29, 2024, 9 am to 1 pm
Loper Chapel

On Sat., June 29, from 9 am to 1 pm in Loper Chapel, the Adult Education Ministry and FCCB Over 60 are sponsoring a program entitled, “Living Fully By Preparing for Death: A Workshop to Contemplate Impermanence,” which will be an opportunity to consider one of life’s deepest questions: What does it mean to live fully in the shadow of our own eventual death? Let yourself benefit from the greatest gift death has to offer: recognition of the wonder and preciousness of every moment of living.

The program will be led by Roy Remer, the Executive Director of the Zen Caregiving Project, and Mary Doane, its Supervising Instructor of Education Programs. Roy has been an educator and end-of-life caregiver since 1997. He trained with the Zen Hospice Project, served as a hospice volunteer for 13 years, and is certified by the Stanford School of Medicine as a Compassion Cultivation Training instructor.  Mary started with Zen Hospice in 2005, leads all Zen Caregiving’s course offerings, and also completed Chaplaincy Training at the Sati Center for Buddhist Studies.

The program will include a light lunch and is limited to 30 attendees.  A donation of $30 is requested but not required.  To reserve a space, please RSVP to [email protected].