We need LOVE NOTES (at least one!) for each of the bags for the unhoused. Often what unhoused people crave as much as having their physical needs cared for is being acknowledged with dignity and compassion.
Can you write some love notes and either drop them off at the church office by Sunday, December 20, or mail them to the church office, clearly marked “Totes for Unhoused”?
A sample note might say something like:
“Dear Neighbor. I am praying for you tonight, that you may know some comfort, peace and companionship, and that as the new year arrives you may meet angels who help you find stable housing. The situation you are in does not determine who you are–you are a being of infinite worth and belovedness. Hold on to hope. Love, A friend from First Church Berkeley, where you are always welcome”
(Molly’s words, maybe a little over the top with the mood she’s in–you will find your own, or write a blessing, a quote, a poem fragment, the line from a Christmas carol…whatever)