Workshop on Friday, October 2, 12 pm
by Rev. Kelly Colwell
I don’t know about you, but worship on Sundays at First Church always has some pieces that I really love. Whether it’s a really great Scripture telling, a beautiful Simple Spiritual Story, or a heartwarming piece of music, there’s always something that really touches me. And when I watch them, I often think “I wish more people could see this!” Because we’re doing so much online right now, and because now is a time when people outside of church might really be realizing that they need community, it’s the perfect time to think about how our church can make new connections online.
To do this, though, we need your help! If you’re already pretty tech-savvy, we’d like to invite you to do a few things that will help us extend our reach so people who are looking for a distinctly Christian and decidedly open church can find us!
- Click through to our YouTube page, subscribe, and “like” our videos there.
- If you’re on Facebook, like the First Church Berkeley page. If you want bonus points, click “follow” and then click “show first.” This helps Facebook know that people are interested in what we post!
- If you see something you like, share it with your friends. Bonus points if you generate conversation by posting it with some of your own reflection or by posting it with a question you ask. The more people comment on your posts, the more Facebook will show them to others.
Are you using Facebook, but not sure how to share things? Are you a little confused about the difference between a page and a group? Are you wishing your friends from outside of church could see some of the things we post, but you’re not sure how to do it? Join Rev. Kelly for a Zoom workshop on how to extend our reach online. We’ll meet on Zoom on Friday, October 2 at 12 pm. Kelly will use the “screen share” function to show you exactly how to make sure the things you love get sent to the people you love! We’ll also have some time for questions and answers, so if you’ve got a burning social media question, bring it there. Hope to see you!