Stewardship Update

Many thanks to all who have already committed to be sustaining givers to First Church and help our church continue to thrive as a faith community and place of transformation. As of Oct., 29, the church has received 121 commitments totaling $582,355 for 2020. We are on our way to having the level of sustaining giving that will allow First Church’s ministries and programs to continue into an exciting future, but we are not there yet

If you haven’t made your sustaining giving commitment, we hope you’ll prayerfully consider making an ongoing financial contribution to First Church. Please submit your commitment card no later than Sun., Nov. 24 so SF&A can accurately plan for the future. Commitment cards are available in the Hall of Entrance, or you can print one out at Please put your card in the offering plate, hand it to one of the ministers or Kit Dunbar, or email it to Kit at [email protected]. For detailed information on the “Come Be a We” Stewardship Program, and to access the 2020 Giving Documents, visit the church website at www.

With gratitude, Stewardship Team