view of fountain in a courtyard with a rainbow in the background

Summer Silent Retreat Opportunity

view of fountain in a courtyard with a rainbow in the background

Sun., July 21 to Fri., July 26
San Damiano Retreat House, Danville, CA

Ann Naffziger will be leading another silent retreat at San Damiano in Walnut Creek this summer from Sunday evening, July 21 to Fri., July 26. It is designed so that those with experience of silent retreats will find it easy to drop into the silence and for those with little-to-no experience of silent retreats will be given plenty of guidance.

Participants will have the opportunity to come to as many or as few guided prayer sessions as they would like each day, many of them focused on centering prayer or guided scripture meditations, but with other possibilities scheduled throughout the week as well.  Individual spiritual direction is optional and will be available each day. 

For more information or to register, go to: