Summer Vacation Increases the Risk for Childhood Hunger

Children can get one or two meals plus snacks at school. So when school is not in session, students can miss out on this important source of healthful foods. Families need to try to make up for this loss, putting the family budget in stress.

For decades, First Church has been supporting our neighbors who depend on the Berkeley Food Pantry (BFP) for food. We collect healthful cereal (look for cereal with at least 40% DV for iron in the Nutrition Facts label) and smooth peanut butter (in plastic jars) for BFP. Thank you for bringing in your food donations as well as much needed supplies – egg cartons and paper grocery bags with handles. Look for the “cereal and peanut butter table” in the Hall of Entrance at Church. Mary or Birtukan can answer questions you may have about this collection and thank you!