Thinking About Getting an All Electric Car, an EV?

Sun., Feb. 23, 2025, 11:15 am
First Church Berkeley parking lot (entrance 2330 Durant Ave.)

First Church’s Green Team is sponsoring an “EV Fair” in the church parking lot after worship on Sun., Feb. 23. There, a number of EV owners, representing a variety of models, will be available to discuss their experience with their EV model. You’ll learn about vehicle range, access to charging stations, and costs of charging. The EV Fair will be a good way to get information about different EV models from current owners. President Trump seems to be intent on ending a federal tax credit of up to $7,500.00 for the purchase of an EV, so time is of the essence for anyone interested. 

By the way, the Green Team is looking for someone who owns a Chevy Equinox or a Chevy Bolt to participate in the EV Fair.  The Equinox, only recently available, is GM’s latest EV offering.  Although GM has ended production of the Bolt, there is a lively market for used Bolts at very good prices, and the Bolt may be a very suitable vehicle for someone who intends to use it only for local driving.  

Indeed, if anyone would like to discuss their EV at the Fair, please let the GreenTeam know, at [email protected].  We would like to present a good variety of models.