View Spreadsheet of Items Needed
Youth Spirit Artworks is moving the Tiny Homes project forward during the shelter in place as an essential service to provide much-needed housing for homeless youth. July 1 (or as near as possible) is the target move-in date for the first 16 homes and residents.
Partner organizations (churches, schools) who are building 10 additional homes have been understandably slowed by the shelter in place, and will complete as possible later in summer or fall.
YSA is seeking gently used household items to furnish the Tiny House Village. Check this spreadsheet to see what is needed. (Examples are clock, rug, small chair, wall mirror, bedding). Please only the items listed on the sheet with positive numbers needed.
Regarding the drop-off plan for items for the Tiny House Village: You can bring your item to Youth Spirit Artworks at 1740 Alcatraz in Berkeley between 2 pm and 5 pm Monday through Friday. Pull into our driveway, and our youth team can help you unload if needed. If you need someone to pickup your item, email [email protected].
In order to ensure the best interiors for the houses, we may turn away some items that do not fit exactly what we’re looking for. The spreadsheet will be updated daily to reflect what is still needed. If you want to make sure your item will be accepted, you can send a picture for approval before coming to ([email protected]). We are not currently able to accept donations of clothing, bed frames, or mattresses.
Some items will be purchased, like mattresses for $130 each, as well as first-aid kits and fire extinguishers. YSA is accepting donations for these items.