Since the September 2016 fire, the availability of rooms has changed, but there should still be sufficient rooms for meetings and events. Non-profit organizations can make a room reservation online. We request online reservations be made at least 30 days advance of your event.
Room availability will change over time, so check here for updates about what is available.
To see if a room is available check current reservations on this Public Room Use Calendar...
If a space is free on the calendar, request room reservations by filling out this online Room Reservation Request...
You will hear back from someone at the church by email or directly.
First Church Rooms
2345 Channing Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
Sanctuary (all times)
Loper Chapel (Evenings & Weekends)
Durant House (Evenings & Weekends)
Hall of Entrance (all times except Sunday mornings)
Pillar Room/Kitchen • East Bay School for Boys (Evenings & Weekends)
Classrooms 4, 5, 6 & 7 • East Bay School for Boys (Weekends)
Courtyard & Lawn (available soon)
Playground (not able to be reserved but can be used by FCCB personnel)
FCCB-Parking Lot (not able to be reserved)