Our videoconference meeting to discuss “An Altar in the World” will happen next Wednesday evening at 7:30pm, led by Molly. Grab your chamomile tea or your glass of merlot and prepare to bask in the wisdom and comfort of Barbara Brown Taylor’s beautiful book together, for just such a time as this! Details about technology to come on Tuesday next week. We will make it easy even for technophobes to participate, and you will be able to start logging on at 7pm next Wednesday to make sure your screen is working properly.
Topic: An Altar in the World
Time: Mar 18, 2020 07:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 855 574 952
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Lent is here! This year we are going to have not one, but two All Church Reads! We will organize ourselves into book groups that fit all kinds of schedules, with some meeting Sunday before church, some Sunday after church, in private homes through the week, asynchronously on Facebook and digitally via Zoom. Some groups will meet weekly throughout Lent for the slow build of community and depth; others, for busy people who still want to participate, will meet just once and pack a punch.
Our first read is An Altar in the World: A Geography of Faith, by Barbara Brown Taylor, revealing meaningful ways to discover the sacred in the small things we do and see, from simple practices such as walking, working, and prayer. Our second read is Transforming Communities: How People Like You Are Healing Their Neighborhoods, by local author and preacher Sandhya Jha, who will join us in worship on Palm Sunday. You can pick up Sandhya’s book at Sagrada on Telegraph Ave in Temescal, or ask your favorite local bookstore to order it for you! A limited number of copies of both are available in the church office for those who want to borrow them.
To join a group, go to https://tinyurl.com/u4brcqw to sign up. To participate in the private Facebook group discussions, please click on: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2478250105824216/ and then click on the “Join Group” option. You may sign up for multiple groups if you wish.
For questions, email Louise Halsey at [email protected].