Bay Association Annual Fall Meeting on Zoom

Sat., Nov. 6, 9:30 amPre-register here for the Zoom link. All members of the 33 churches who make up the Bay Association of the Northern California Nevada Conference of the UCC are invited to our annual Fall Meeting Zoom to conduct business required by our bylaws and to hear a word from our guest preacher, The Rev. Dr. Irie Session. …

People’s Park

by Rev. Molly If you’ve been following People’s Park controversy, UC Berkeley is trying to redevelop that piece of land to provide extremely low-income supported housing for formerly homeless folks and will maintain some green space. They have encountered significant opposition that may slow down construction. If you support the redevelopment plan, as I do, you can help clear the …

Oct. 31 Learning Hour: Berkeley Mutual Aid Network

Sun., Oct. 31, 12:15 pm 889 6774 0143 Passcode: 261432 Beyond the simple joy of neighbors helping neighbors, how can mutual aid networks actually change the world, undermining the extractive economy and promoting an entirely different kind of local economy that values all people, of all abilities? Join David Peattie of the Berkeley Mutual Aid Network and Rev. Molly in …

Pastoral Staffing for the Future

As we prepare to vote to affirm Rev. Kelly’s call to be a settled pastor at First Church Berkeley, and discern our way to calling a third pastor for Youth, Young Adult, and Emerging Ministries, you might be curious how we anticipate differentiating the three pastor roles. First, to learn more about Rev. Kelly, click here to read a narrative …

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Worship Leaders Wanted

The hybrid services have several places that could use some extra leaders, so you are invited to participate! We especially need more people who are willing to film things for upcoming services. This means even if you’re not coming to in person church yet, you could be a leader on the screen! The options are children’s moment, scripture reading, or …

After Party Changes

As you may have noticed, we’re worshiping in a hybrid way these days, with some of us in the sanctuary and others at home. We’ve restarted the in-person After Party with snacks and coffee, and we’re not sure whether there are still enough people who want to gather on Zoom for a Virtual After Party. If you’d miss the Virtual …

Illustration of the Earth with a thermometer with flames coming out of the top

Worried About the Climate Crisis?

Urge Congress to Pass the Budget Reconciliation Bill! The Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill is widely described as the best chance in a generation to enact climate policy that will really make a difference in lowering greenhouse gas emissions that cause global warming. The bill’s Clean Energy Performance Program that rewards electric utilities for adopting renewable energy, its tax …

Regathering Sunday

Sunday, October 24 So many good reasons to come, or come back, to in-person worship this Sunday, Oct. 24! COVID cases in Berkeley are extremely low and folks are following our COVID policy to the letter. Singing in community is a sure path to joy. You can dance your commitment card down the aisle (or discreetly put it in the …