NOVEMBER 24, 2019 THANKSGIVING SUNDAY Psalm 100 & John 17: 20-23 10:00 Worship, Kit Novotny, preaching; Amar Khalsa, musician; Elizabeth Forsyth, organist; Derek Tam, director of music, Sanctuary Musical Highlights, “O Praise the Lord of Heaven” by William Billings; Sanctuary Choir 11:15 After Party, Terrace DECEMBER 1, 2019 FIRST SUNDAY IN ADVENT/ALL-AGES WORSHIP/COMMUNION SUNDAY Luke 1:26-38 Before & after worship Winthrop Wreath Preordering, …
Advent Craft Workshop
Add some sparkle to your Christmas season at the Advent Craft Workshop! Come join in the festive atmosphere in the Pillar Room after worship on Sun., Dec. 8 to create ornaments and decorations, and to enjoy fellowship with each other. All are welcome!
Winthrop Wreath Sale
Winthrop youth will be selling wreaths every Sunday in Advent — Dec. 1 (to preorder), 8, 15 & 22 — to support their annual summer Work Camp. A 10” wreath (with artificial holly berries) is $25, a 22” wreath is $35. Wreaths will be sold before and after the worship service in the Hall of Entrance. Payments can be made …
Dec. 8 Mental Health Ministry Forum on Nonviolent Communication
Part of supporting our mental health is the awareness of our own internal dialogue. Learning Nonviolent Communication (NVC) skills can help transform challenging messages we tell ourselves and improve our connection with others, which can also improve our mental and spiritual well-being. As part of our Mental Health Ministry Forum series, join Jim Coates & Louise Halsey on Sun., Dec. …
Preaching Schedule: Dec. 8 & 15
Sun., Dec. 8, Molly Baskette Sun., Dec. 15, Music Sunday
Thanksgiving Sharing
Turkey Day is around the corner! Are you hosting dinner, and do you have room around your table for 1 or 2 more? Are you flying solo on the holiday, and would love some chosen family to feast with? If so, email Louise Halsey at lhalsey@fccb. org. She’ll do some holy traffic direction so that we can live more deeply …
Hanging of the Greens
Come gather for the Hanging of the Greens and join Kit Novotny and other church friends to transform the Sanctuary & Hall of Entrance for the Advent season on Sat., Nov., 30, 1–4 pm. All ages welcome! We will put up and decorate the trees, decorate the pews, haul down the Advent wreath and its stand, hang the Christmas bunting …
Mental Health Ministry: Sharing Our Closing Prayer
At each Mental Health Ministry gathering (Forum, Spiritual Support Group, Companionship Gathering, and Leadership Team Meeting) we open and close with prayer. At our last Forum, it was requested that our Closing Prayer be shared with the whole congregation. We share this same prayer each time; it grounds us as we close our time together, and move forward into the …
Molly Baskette Vacation Dates
Rev. Molly will be on vacation and not answering email Thurs., Nov. 21–Mon., Dec. 2.
The View from Here
Louise Halsey Congregational Care Program Manager I’m excited to share with you a change in my role here at First Church. As part of a number of strategic staff restructuring shifts we’ve made in 2019, I’m letting go of some administrative duties and shifting into the role of Congregational Care Program Manager (CCPM). What does this mean exactly? Congregational Care is …