Beginning Sun., Nov. 17 we will experiment with a new form of worship — Art Meets Life Sundays! Each quarter we will invite a luminary in the field of art, music, poetry, journalism, or another discipline to contribute to our Sunday morning worship. Rev. Molly or Rev. Kit will interview them on the chancel during the sermon slot on a range of topics related to spirituality and culture, with an eye to feeding our souls.
Our first guest will be Elbe Spurling, the creator of the Brick Bible (, the world’s largest, most comprehensive illustrated Bible, a labor of love born of spiritual questioning and theological challenge over many years. Elbe describes herself as “a blue-haired non-religious transgender lesbian artist and author.” Her art has been featured in publications including Time, People, Rolling Stone, and Entertainment Weekly. Copies of The Brick Bible and The Brick Bible for Kids (rated G, unlike the actual Bible) will be available for sale during the After Party.
If you have someone you think would be a good fit for a future Art Meets Life Sunday, please let Rev. Kit and Rev. Molly know. Good candidates will be outstanding creatives in their discipline who are accomplished enough that they might be a draw for folks who don’t yet go to our church, but have enough of a connection to Berkeley or our community that they will say yes to an invitation from us.