Person's forehead with a black colored cross for Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday — Three Opportunities to Prepare for Lent

Wed., Feb. 14, 2024
Noon & 7 pm

There are three opportunities to prepare for Lent this Ash Wednesday. First join us online for a pre-recorded Ash Wednesday service. Make meaning out of this Lent from wherever you are. Video will be available anytime after 12 pm on Wednesday afternoon. Visit:

Second is Ashes to Go—Rev. Hannah and Rev. Kelly will be on the Cal campus in Sproul Plaza near Bancroft giving ashes and blessings from 12-1 pm.  Remember you are dust, made of earth—no more, no less, and as infinitely worthy as the earth itself.

Third is the in-person service at 7 pm on the Chancel, the raised part at the front of the sanctuary.  We’ll sing together, remember our mortality and our flaws, and hope together for a world made new.