Wednesday, February 17, 6 pm
ID: 886 2536 8833 Passcode: 557430
“Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” This year you won’t get to have one of your pastors say these words as they look you full in the face while they dust your forehead with last year’s Palm Sunday palms transformed into ashes, that singular reckoning with the fact of our mortality. Instead, you’re invited to pick up a charcoal pencil for artmaking and ashing from church (beginning Fri., 2/12, 1 to 4 pm; Tues., 2/16 & Wed. 2/17, noon to 4 pm. The office is closed Mon., 2/15 for Presidents’ Day) or participating neighborhood captains, or order your own.
But we will forge ahead with a moving Zoom service, from the safety of home: embracing Life for as long as it will have us, while looking Death directly in the eye.
With chant, song, poetry from Isaiah, an art response to our scriptures, time to grieve who and what is lost while looking ahead to the wilderness way, come launch your Lent in community. Service begins at 6 pm. You will receive instructions ahead of time for how to pick up a charcoal pencil for artmaking and ashing. Come, face it all, but not alone—never alone.