— Maureen Prochaska, Chair, writing for your Justice and Service Ministry
Stan Boghosian, Barbara Grady-Ayer, Doris Lynch, Chuck Monroe, and Susan Shome
Star Stuff. How has this Advent theme become a part of your waiting time for Christmas? I am writing this Christmas Offering letter during the first week of Advent, the week of Hope when Rev. Kelly has asked us through her sermon and prayers to look for signs of hope. Her first prayer has stayed with me: Holy Hope, energize us to the bone, that we might see the signs of your coming all around us. How can we energize ourselves to see the hope in the world? One way is to learn about our two Christmas Offering recipients Puente de la Costa Sur and Common Hope; two organizations that are grounded by their vision and mission to bring hope to individuals, families, and their communities.
We accept Jesus’ call to serve him by serving others – the hungry, the unhoused, the refugee, the immigrant, the oppressed. As we celebrate the birth of Jesus, let us generously support Puente de la Costa Sur and Common Hope. You can donate online at OnRealm.org (log in, click Giving, then the blue +Give button, then choose Christmas Offering from the Fund dropdown menu) or at paypal.me/firstchurchberkeley. You may also write a check to First Church Berkeley UCC with Christmas Offering in the memo line, and mail to First Church Berkeley UCC, 2330 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704, or you can put it in the offering plate on Christmas Eve.
To read the Christmas offering letter in its entirety, click here.