Sun., April 28, after worship (11:15 am)
Pillar Room
In June we kick off a full year of celebrating 150 years since 20 brave Congregationalists first held services at the old Berkeley Hotel on Bancroft, and nothing says “150th Anniversary” like marching from the old hotel to First Church wearing a cool new T-shirt, but…
Before we can get said t-shirts printed, FIRST we need to choose a slogan and decide on a color!
Please submit your slogan and color ideas here. That way, you can begin voting for your favorites or just wait until the meeting and hash it out until we reach consensus, like good Congregationalists!
You won’t want to miss the exciting (and inclusive) slogan selection process, so mark your calendars for the “Slogan-Off” in the Pillar Room, after church on April 28.
With love from,
The Sesquicentennial (fancy Latin for “150th Year”) Ministry