Derek Tam on Sabbatical

Director of Music Derek Tam will be on sabbatical from Mon., Oct. 9, 2023 through the rest of the calendar year. His last worship service before he takes leave will be this Sun., Oct. 8. Derek writes:

“I am very grateful to our congregation for granting me this time to rest and rejuvenate. During my time off, I’ll be taking some trips and going on fun hikes with my dog, among many other things! While I will miss all of you, there is a lot of great music in store for you. Our capable organist Elizabeth Forsyth will lead the choir, and there’s a lot of special music planned both from within the church and from outside guests. If you’ve been looking to get more involved in the music program, this is a great time to step up! I will see most of you in January, so I’m sending you prayers and blessings for a wonderful Advent and Christmas season.”