Dedication deadline: on or before Tues., Dec. 12, 5 pm
Remembering loved ones who are on our hearts and minds is a meaningful part of the Christmas season. One way to honor them during Christmas is to purchase a cuetlaxochitl (pronounced kwet-la-sho-she, the original Nahuatl name for poinsettia, which were cultivated by the Aztecs long before the European colonization of the Americas). Your purchase in honor of a loved one helps to pay for the plants that decorate the Sanctuary on Christmas Eve.
If you’d like to purchase a poinsettia ($35 each), fill out the online form here or email Louise Halsey ([email protected]) the following information on or before Tues., Dec. 12.
- Your name
- The name of the person(s)you’d like to honor
- Indicate if the donation is:
- in memory of
- in honor of
- or, in thanksgiving for
- How would you like to pay?
- online
- check
All names will be shared in the announcement slides during the 10 am Christmas Eve worship service, Dec. 24. Pay online through Realm (choose “Poinsettias” from the Fund dropdown menu) or write a check made out to First Church Berkeley with “Flower Fund” in the memo line and mail it to the church office (2330 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704) attn: Louise Halsey.