Toiletries and cleaning products

Donate Hygiene Supplies to Refugees in Need

Sundays, Oct. 20 & 27, 10 am to noon
Hall of Entrance

Want to support refugee families and LGBTQ+ individuals resettling in the East Bay this fall? Simple things like hygiene supplies make a big difference to aid a newcomer in their adjustment to life here. FCCB churchgoer Katia Kiefaber will be hosting a hygiene collection drive on Sundays, Oct. 20 & 27. Bring your supplies those Sundays and look for her table in the Hall of Entrance to drop off. All items should be full sized (NOT travel size). Most needed items are: shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, dish soap, sponges, all-purpose cleaner, toothbrushes, toothpaste, and laundry detergent sheets/pods.