Fri., Sept. 17 – Sun., Sept. 19
Anthony Chabot Regional Park, Castro Valley
“For you shall go out with joy,
Isaiah 55:12
And be led out with peace;
The mountains and the hills
Shall break forth into singing before you,
And all the trees of the field shall clap their hands.”
This weekend is our All Church Retreat at Chabot Regional Park!
If you’re coming, I hope you have already registered—but if you aren’t registered but are still thinking you might drop by for a little bit, here are a few relevant details.
The location is called Lost Ridge Group Camp, which will pop up in the correct location on Google maps if you search for it. You enter Chabot Regional Park at Marciel Road and then turn right at Group Camp Road, where there is a locked gate.
If you are visiting for part of a day and are able and comfortable to walk half a mile down a paved (but not flat) road, please consider parking at the gate if parking is available there, as parking is somewhat limited at our site and we want to make sure there are enough spots for people who need to drive closer. However, you are welcome to come during a time when the gate is staffed and we can let you through to drive directly to the site. The gate will be staffed by volunteers at the following time slots: Friday 4-6, Saturday 8-10 and 12-6:30 (and 7:30-9:30 for departures), Sunday 8-10 for arrivals and 11-12 for departures.
Food is provided for breakfast Saturday and Sunday and dinner Saturday, but the registration date has passed for signing up for food, so if you are dropping by then, please bring your own food.
You should also consider bringing a folding chair, a water bottle, and a flashlight, lantern, or headlamp if you’ll be staying towards dusk, as there is no light provided at our site. (Please label your stuff!)
Although we won’t be enforcing mask use throughout the weekend, we encourage you to bring a mask to use in the bathroom and when sitting close to others for long periods, since children are not yet able to receive vaccines. Looking forward to seeing you there!