As we move together through Holy Week, marking Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, HolySaturday, and Easter Sunday, we accept once again that we are the church in the world. We acceptJesus’s call to serve him by serving others – the hungry, the homeless, the refugee and immigrant, the oppressed. We do this in many ways through our outreach to, and engagement with, social justice organizations in the world.
Locally, the pandemic has impacted our low-income neighbors worst of all. With this fact in mind, thisyear’s Easter Offering will be directed towards an organization that plays a large role in easing food insecurity in the area: The Alameda County Community Food Bank. Today, one in five AlamedaCounty residents experience hunger. The Food Bank partners with food pantries, hot-meal programs, and senior centers to bring food to those in need. Over the past 12 months, they have added new distribution sites and launched a home delivery program. They now distribute enough food to serve70,000 people every day.
Please give generously this Easter by donating online at (log in, click “Giving,” then the blue +Give button, then choose “Easter Offering” from the “Fund” dropdown menu). You may also write a check to First Church Berkeley, add “Easter Offering” in the memo line, and mail to: FirstChurch Berkeley, 2330 Durant Ave., Berkeley, CA 94704. All non-pledge offerings received EasterSunday, April 4th, will be contributed to this organization.Thank you for your generous support!