Free American Guild of Organists Concerts at First Church Berkeley

Wed., July 3, 9 am

San Francisco will be hosting the national convention of the American Guild of Organists beginning Sunday, June 30. Two of the concerts will take place at First Church and feature the “Rising Stars” of the organ world. These concerts will be free and open to the public – please come and tell your friends! Both concerts will be Wednesday morning, July 3, with the first three performers playing from 9 – 9:45 am and the second group performing from 10:45 – 11:30 am.

There are also volunteer opportunities, most of them at the Marriott Marquis in the city (close to Powell BART), requiring only 2 – 2.5 hours of your time on July 1, 2 or 3. First Church’s Organist Elizabeth Forsyth promises it will be both exciting and energizing to be in the presence of renowned organists and teachers!  Please email her at [email protected] if interested.