Guided Autobiography: A Small Group Spiritual-deepening Opportunity

7 Saturdays, beginning Feb. 22 (through April 5), 2025, 9 to 11 am
Loper Chapel

First Church members and certified facilitators, Craig Pratt (he, him) and Sara Orem (she, her) are forming a small group in Guided Autobiography (GAB) writing in our community. GAB is a semi-structured, life–enrichment process designed by researchers and helping professionals to deepen self-understanding through the exploration of one’s life stories in “bite-size” pieces.

For those who recognize themselves as spiritual seekers, the short autobiographical writings we create are “spade work” where past life experiences are turned over and integrated with whatever we have come to recognize (or not) as a “Divine Plan.” Our approach favors honest self-expression coupled with a willingness to voluntarily share insights rather than a focus on writing skill and/or technique. The group will meet in person in Loper Chapel for seven sessions (February 22 through April 5) for 2 hours on Saturday mornings between 9 and 11. Each week participants will write two-page reflections at home using GAB prompts that we will share (on a voluntary basis) in a confidential and supportive group setting. No fees, but consistent attendance will be important.

To inquire about becoming a participant, email Craig at [email protected].