Habitat for Humanity Workday —Thank You Volunteers!

Aug. 26 was a happy and productive day for a group of eager First Church members and guests who made a trip to Esperanza Place, Walnut Creek—the site of a targeted effort to expand homeownership by Habitat for Humanity of the East Bay and Silicon Valley. See photos here.

The Justice and Service Ministry says thank you to our hearty volunteers: Martha Vognar, Bob Straus, Vanessa Reed, Becky Smith, Bella Vavra, Bruce Stangeland, Susan Webb, Stan Boghosian, Jennifer Nixon, Steve Spielman & Craig Pratt. The group was transformed into teams of painters, cleaners, & caulkers. The volunteers and staff of Habitat are in the process of constructing a multi-building job site (located just a short walk from the Pleasant Hill Bart Station) to coincide with Contra Costa area government and nonprofit community agencies. Our church joined in — in the form of volunteers equipped with dust masks, hard hats, and day-glow vests—and became part of much-needed effort to make dozens of new homeowners despite difficult housing market realities.