Holy Week 2022

Here’s a rundown of all the holy goodness we have in store to honor Holy Week!

drawing of a hand washing a foot

Maundy Thursday Gathering (April 14, 6 pm): We’ll gather in-person and on Zoom as one strong body to share a simple meal and the ritual of foot/hand washing. We’ll sing, pray, and read scripture together.  Prepare a bowl of soup and join the Zoom gathering at 6 pm (link here).  Or, if you’d like to join an in-person gathering, meet in the EBSB playground (weather permitting) or the Durant House at 6 pm.

Good Friday 7 Last Words with East Bay UCCs (April 15, 7 pm): Seven Bay Area UCCs, including City of Refuge UCC and Sycamore UCC (historically Japanese) will gather in our sanctuary and by livestream to remember the 7 last phrases spoken by Jesus as we went to his death. We will have a variety of music from our churches as well as 7 very short homilies from preachers around the Bay, spending time with the concept of compassion—what does it mean to “suffer with” one another, and with Jesus, in these troubling times? Compassion is contagious if we agree that the suffering in the world is unacceptable.

Holy Saturday Labyrinth Walking (April 16, 2-6 pm): The Hall of Entrance will be open from 2-6 pm for a candlelit labyrinth walking. Come anytime, and stay as long, or as short, as you like. We’ll have some live music and some recorded music playing the whole time. Walk off some feelings, walk through big questions and intentions, walk with Mary Magdalene and the other women as they head to the tomb, facing death head on. At 5:30 pm we will have a short youth-oriented labyrinth walk, talk, and liturgy about the role of Mary Magdalene in companioning Jesus through death and back.

Easter Sunrise Service (April 17, 6 am): We’ll gather at Lawrence Hall of Science to greet the Easter sun! Life will have its way, despite everything. Coffee, cocoa, and donuts to follow in our traditional Easter sunrise “communion.” All ages encouraged. Let us know if you can be a greeter!

colored Easter eggs with eyes, noses, and mouths with different expressions

Easter Resurrection Day Celebration (10 am): We’ll have it all: Easter reveal with surprises, great preaching, dance party with music from Encanto and a Messiah singalong finish! Afterward: egg hunt, hard-boiled egg buffet & crudite, and a chocolate fountain, because nothing says new life like strawberries dipped in warm chocolate. Please bring a dozen decorated hard-boiled eggs or plastic eggs filled with candy and fun of your choice or condiments* for our buffet.