Holy Week 2023

Here’s a rundown of all the holy goodness we have in store to honor Holy Week!

drawing of a hand washing a foot

Maundy Thursday Gathering (April 6, various times): We’ll gather in-person or on Zoom to share a simple meal and the ritual of foot/hand washing. We’ll sing, pray, and read scripture together.  Register for one of the in-person gatherings here at homes throughout Berkeley, El Cerrito, Oakland, and Alameda, or join the choir at the gathering at church. Or prepare a bowl of soup and join the Zoom gathering at 6 pm (link here). 

  • 3:30-5:30pm baby and toddler friendly gathering at Kera and Nat Binns’ in Berkeley (register here)
  • 6pm Zoom gathering (link here)
  • 6-8pm at Rev. Molly’s in Alameda (register here)
  • 6-8pm at Rev. Kelly’s in Berkeley (register here)
  • 6-8pm at Kerrie Hein’s in Berkeley (register here)
  • 6-8pm at Kathy and Bob Helliesen’s in the Berkeley Hills (register here)
  • 6-8pm at Louise Halsey and Jim Coates’ in El Cerrito (register here)
  • 6-8pm at church with the choir (register here or just attend)

Good Friday 7 Last Words with East Bay UCCs (April 7, 7 pm): Six Bay Area UCCs, including City of Refuge UCC and Sycamore UCC (historically Japanese) will gather at Orinda Community Church and by livestream to remember the 7 last phrases spoken by Jesus as we went to his death. We will have a variety of music from our churches as well as very short homilies from preachers around the Bay, spending time with the concept of presence and absence this year–how do we make sense of our senses as we recognize God’s presence among and through us, and what does Good Friday teach us about distance and absence?

Holy Saturday Outdoor Reflective Learning, Indian Rock Park, Saturday, April 8, 10 am: Join Rev. Hannah and youth in a contemplative scavenger hunt and meditation at Indian Rock Park in Berkeley. Gather at 10 am for this 30-45 min. experience. Go at your own pace as you breathe in the memory of what the day after the death of Christ may have felt like. Wear closed toed shoes, but all activities can be modified for all abilities.  Email Rev. Hannah with any questions.

Easter Sunrise Service (April 9, 6:30 am): We’ll gather at Lawrence Hall of Science to greet the Easter sun! Come meet the risen Christ in community outdoors. Bring a folding chair if standing for 45 minutes will be challenging for you. Coffee, cocoa, and donuts to follow in our traditional Easter sunrise “communion.” All ages very warmly encouraged!

colored Easter eggs with eyes, noses, and mouths with different expressions

Easter Resurrection Day Celebration (10 am): We’ll have it all: Easter reveal with surprises, great preaching, dancing and singing, and a Messiah singalong finish! Our theme for this year is Visible Mending–we are reflecting on what it means to mend ourselves and the world in ways that we’re not ashamed to show! Afterward: egg hunt, beautiful finger foods, and a chocolate fountain, because nothing says new life like strawberries dipped in warm chocolate. Please bring your favorite plate of party food to make the After Party a truly representative feast of our diverse and delicious community.