Where Is the “Order of Worship” for In-Person Church?
If you’ve come back to our building for worship these past few weeks, you may have noticed that the ushers did not hand you an Order of Worship when you entered the sanctuary. We are doing our part for climate change! Using less paper saves trees, which helps to slow global warming. Everything we need to see during the service is displayed on the screens suspended over the chancel. Not having to follow along with a program also supports us in having a deeper, more worshipful experience by encouraging us to be fully present in the moment without thinking about what is coming next.
However, if the overhead screens aren’t working for you, the ushers would be happy to give you a large print Order of Worship. Or if you are someone who just prefers to follow along with an Order of Worship in hand, you can bring it up on your cell phone. In the hymnal rack in front of each pew, you will now find a yellow card titled “Sunday Morning Worship Links.” On the card are QPR codes for the Order of Worship, the Welcome Form, Giving with Realm or PayPal, and The Carillon Newsletter. (Ask your usher if you need a quick tutorial on how to use a QPR code with your cell phone.)
Where Are the Visitor Pads That Used to Be at The End of Each Aisle?
And that also explains the mystery of the missing visitor pads!Not only are we saving trees by using a QPR code to sign in on the Welcome Form, by having both the online and in-person members and visitors sign in electronically all the information regarding attendance is available in one place for our ministers and staff members.