Interfaith Day of Prayer

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Join the United Church of Christ as we recognize Interfaith Day of Prayer, Thursday, May 7 with 24 hours of prayer. Like or follow their Facebook page to participate with ecumenical and interfaith partners and people of all faiths praying for wholeness and well-being during the pandemic.

As a church of extravagant welcome, the UCC invites friends to add prayers in many voices and languages on our Facebook channel beginning at 12:00 AM EDT Thursday and continuing throughout the day.

“Prayer is our spiritual currency as people of faith,” said the Rev. Traci Blackmon. “It is our primary means of exchange with a God called by many names in covenant with people who differ in being but share one breath. On this National Day of Prayer it is as important as it has ever been to be reminded of our interconnectedness with one another and all of creation. We are deeply grateful for this diverse group of faith leaders, serving in varied spaces, who have agreed to lead us in prayer each hour in ways that connect our hearts, honor the holy and amplify our cries. May it be so.”

Please join in for this special Interfaith Day of Prayer event during these unsettling times.