It’s a Party!

Sun., Nov. 3, 11:30 am
Pillar Room

The Family, Children and Youth (FamChY) Ministry invites you to join us for a Livescan Party! We want to increase the number of interested and available volunteers, primarily for our Children’s Space and childcare opportunities. FamChY is holding a time after church Nov. 3 at 11:30 am in the Pillar Room because when we get together, we get things done!

Completing a Livescan process is a requirement both of church policy and state law to be able to volunteer with children in our church community. This involves a few steps:

  • Complete a Livescan Form (copies will be available at our party)
  • Submit it to a recognized Livescan agent who will also take your fingerprints. We are planning to walk to the nearest UPS Store (at 2512 Telegraph Ave.) which does the fingerprinting and accepts the form. You can also go on your own to complete the process.
  • Pay a nominal fee, for which you can request reimbursement.

The livescan submission checks the applicant’s identification, inputs the applicant’s personal descriptor information, captures the applicant’s fingerprints electronically, and transmits the data to the Department of Justice (DOJ). 

Once the LiveScan has been completed, the DOJ will notify our Custodian of Record (currently Rev. Hannah). Then we will share with you the rest of the process. This includes following an online, self-directed set of modules related to recognizing child abuse and the obligation for mandated reporting. Once these requirements are completed, you will be ready to sign up to volunteer.

Our children are a precious gift from God and we want to prioritize their well being within our community. Join us on Nov. 3 and help us to create a safe space for our children!