Sunday, March 7, 12:15 pm
ID: 889 6774 0143 Passcode: 261432

Barbara McHugh’s presentation will be based on the premise that most religions have two poles: love (interconnectedness) versus wisdom (self- and world-transcendence). There’s an argument for believing that Buddhism emphasizes wisdom training over loving other people, while Christianity does the opposite, but perhaps for many people the two religions have practices that work best in combination, especially in these difficult times. After briefly outlining the similarities and differences between the two religions, Barbara will discuss some of these practices and encourage participants to share their own practices and experiences.
Barbara McHugh, a member of this congregation, is a published poet and novelist. She’s been a practitioner of Buddhism since the 1980s, and she and her husband Bill lead a twice-monthly meditation group at FCCB. She has an M.A. in English Literature from N.Y.U. and a Ph.D. in Religion and Literature from the University of California at Berkeley and the Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley.