Journey Into Music
with Betty Spamer
Practitioner of Music Imagery
Sunday, February 9, 11:45 am, Loper Chapel
Music is good: for mind, body and spirit. Explore your relationship with music and its positive effects through the process Journey into Music.
In the late 1960s, a musician and music therapist named Helen Bonny researched how music, classical in particular, could meet one’s psychological needs. As she was married to a UCC minister at the time, church was her laboratory. Besides psychological effects, she observed something deeper happening, i.e., imagination, kinetic, insight, inner wisdom, memories, and feelings that touch the heart — expressions of one’s whole self (mind, body and spirit).
What unfolded was a holistic process (Bonny named Guided Imagery and Music) that bypassed the rational, using music and the imagery it evoked to explore one’s inner world. Today’s experiential forum, Journey Into Music, uses Bonny’s research as a launching pad for exploring connections between music and one’s inner spiritual life.
During our time together, we will explore music’s positive effects with activities of listening to music, drawing a mandala (inspired by images evoked by music) and sharing of experiences. We may sing and move to music as time allows.