Mental Health Resources (COVID-19 Version)

by Emma S.

Here are the beginnings of a resource list for both maintaining your mental health and managing any mental health concerns you’re having during this pandemic. Please feel free to add/update the facebook document if you have other resources.

First and foremost, if you’re feeling like hurting yourself or someone else, please consider calling 9-1-1. If you don’t feel safe doing that, please consider texting the numbers below for the crisis text line, calling the national suicide prevention hotline or disaster distress line, or using any of the coping skills you know have worked for you in the past.

Remember that our pastors are also available for emergencies at 510-225-6835 (the pastoral emergency line).

Disaster Distress Helpline (by Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration) 240-276-2130

Crisis Text Line Text HOME to 741741
(Text with a crisis counselor 24/7 for free, confidential support.)

National Suicide Prevention Hotline 800-273-8255
(Provides free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.)

The Trevor Project Lifeline 866-488-7386
(Hotline for LGBTQ youth in crisis, who are feeling suicidal, or who need a safe place and judgment-free place to talk. They also have chat and text options.)

The National Alliance on Mental Illness has a page for COVID-19 Information:

Columbia University’s Coping with the Stress of a Pandemic has a lot of good resources that are helpful for people who aren’t students there as well:

If you are looking for mental health providers, here are some ideas:

Other things to consider:

Further articles:

Original Facebook Document: