Sleep Improvement Groups Forming
Sunday, March 14, 12:15 PM
ID: 889 6774 0143 Passcode: 261432

If you could go to sleep easily, sleep peacefully through the night, and wake knowing that you had all the energy you needed for your day, how would your life be better?
Become a “First Church Super Sleeper!” Beginning with a Learning Hour on Sunday, 3/14, Kerrie Hein and the Mental Health Ministry Team will be offering FCCB members the opportunity to meet in small groups for two months to improve their sleep. Drawing on the sleep health framework proven to improve sleep by researchers at UC Berkeley and beyond, Kerrie will teach you to analyze your own sleep and come up with a personalized treatment program which you will implement step-by-step. Depending on need, your treatment program may address trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, regularity of sleep-wake patterns, satisfaction with sleep quality, alertness during waking hours and/or the timing, efficiency, or duration of your sleep. Your sleep program will be specific to your sleep problems. Kerrie will facilitate all the groups and be available for consultation. PLUS: Everyone who completes the two-month sleep improvement group will receive a “First Church Super Sleeper” t-shirt!
*Please note that if it appears that you may be experiencing a medical sleep disorder, you will be referred to your physician or a sleep medicine specialist.
*If you are not available for the Learning Hour, email [email protected] to receive a copy of the presentation. It will be emailed on Monday, 3/15, and you will have the opportunity to sign up for a sleep improvement group that week.