If you missed the Sabbatical Dreaming zoom call last week but you’d still like to tell the Dream Team your ideas to include in what we hope will be a successful grant application, you can go to this Google form and fill in answers to these questions:
- What would a synchronous “sabbath” for First Church look like during our lead minister’s sabbatical? What concrete things would we do/not do?
- How do we imagine we can focus on being rather than doing?
- What would restore spirit and holy presence of Martin Buber’s “I/Thou relationship” as a community?
- What practices of grace could we embrace so that we could let go of achievement or external reinforcement that we are productive and excelling in expectations?
- What would we do to get ready for it, while Molly is still around?
- How would we exhale from it, when Molly is back?
- What are concrete ideas that will keep us spiritually connected even while physically and verbally distanced from Molly?
- How will all this serve the long-term good of our congregation and wider community?