Fri.- Sun., Nov. 10 – 12, 2023
St. Dorothy’s Rest Retreat Center, Camp Meeker, CA
If you are craving silence and time away in a beautiful place to re-connect with God, pray, journal, sleep, walk in nature, and share silence with other people who are doing the same, mark you calendar for Fri., Nov. 10 through Sun., Nov. 12. We’ll gather at St. Dorothy’s Rest Retreat Center in Sonoma County starting with dinner on Friday and continuing until mid-afternoon on Sunday. FCCB member and spiritual director, Ann Naffziger, will offer some tips and suggestions for entering into the silence, as well as some optional prayer activities, but otherwise the weekend will be a time to be alone (together) in silence. Before closing on Sunday afternoon, there will be group sharing about the experience.
Watch this space for more details to come in the following months, including the cost and a chance to register.