Contact Richard Brabham for details
Our Second Sunday Sandwiches program continues, but with expected modifications given the pandemic. We have partnered with the Berkeley Food and Housing Program, who distribute the lunch bags we create to their clientele. We now prepare the bags in the cloister (with proper social distancing and protocols) and deliver them by 3 pm. The food challenge for those without shelter is even bigger now.
If you would like to help:
- bake cookies for 50 bag lunches
- donate 50 pieces of packable fruit
- help make 100 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
- help fill the 50 bags with one baggie holding 2 PB&J sandwiches, 2 moist towelettes, a piece of fruit, a hard boiled egg, and a pack of cookies plus an information sheet of homeless resources in the area— then close with 1 staple
Let me know. You can also support by donating to the Second Sunday Sandwiches project online or send a check to the office. Your donation will fund those things not donated.
This past week it took the form of First Thursday Sandwiches. The BFHP serves every afternoon, so we can do it whatever day of the week we wish, and as often as enough folks step up. Please let me or the office know how you wish to participate. Thanks, Richard Brabham, 510-207-0545