Service as Worship Sunday

Sun., Aug. 13, 10 am

After a brief time of praying and singing together, come join the Ministries of Justice and Service, Worship and Spiritual Life, and Stewardship, Finance and Administration (SFA) for an hour of hands-on work. Which of the following projects speaks to your heart? If you can’t be there in person, your service could be in the form of a donation to the bag lunches.

Postcard Writing – Join Micky Duxbury from Interfaith Coalition for Justice in Our Jails (ICJJ) to write postcards to support the work of ICJJ. Look for Micky and Doris Lynch in the Cloister.

Painting Fence Planks – Paint prayers and blessings on fence planks for the 12 youth that will be living at the new Richmond Tiny House Village, Farm and Garden. Look for Sally Hindman, Project Coordinator, on the Front Lawn.

Second Sunday Sandwiches – Assemble sandwiches and other goodies into a bag lunch for our unhoused neighbors. Look for Richard Brabham in the Hall of Entrance. Sign up here if you would like to donate items for the lunches.

Gardening and Clean Up – Join Moe Wright, Diana Graham, and Nick Kukulan from SFA in working on three outdoor projects. Moe will take a group to Alzheimers on Channing to weed and clean the front yard. Diana will lead a group to do garden work around First Church. Nick will lead a group to do some clearing out of the basement under the Sanctuary. Please bring work gloves, and if you’re weeding/gardening please bring garden tools. Look for Moe, Diana, and Nick in the Hall of Entrance to divide into groups.

Operation Love Notes – Join the Deacons in writing notes to members of the community who aren’t able to join us in person. All materials will be provided. Look for Julie Greer/Deacons on the patio.

Letters to our FCCB Kids to Mark the Beginning of the New School Year – School is (almost) back in session and we want to send a little blessing to our FCCB children and youth who are going back to school. Please stop by the table in the cloister and write 2-3 letters of encouragement to our littles. Letters can be a sweet prayer, blessing, or words of encouragement and affirmation.