Save the date: Sun., June 26
Do you love First Church? Love SF Pride? Love riding a bike/power chair/scooter? Just plain love love?
…Then join our “Love Krew” on Sun., June 26 for the 2022 SF Pride Parade, to strut and wheel some First Church Pride all over Market Street, decked out in rainbows and steeple hats. Cyclers/Wheelers of all stripes especially welcome!
We need about 12 disciples willing volunteers to come show the world we are the weird and wonderful body of Christ, and that all are welcome in our Motley Pew. If more folks sign up, no worry. We will simply multiply the loaves and fishes!
Won’t lie. It will involve bad traffic to get there (a pick-up/drop-off van & driver to get all the bikes there & back again would be most welcome = extra stars in your celestial crown, so the bikers can take the bus) and long hours of waiting for the parade to start with loud music all around you. But it also involves wonderful company, an exhilarating, seemingly three-minute jaunt down Market Street, and the palpable presence of the Holy Spirit. (Not to mention a free pass to miss in-church Church, as we’ll be too busy taking Church to a hurting world.)
To join the Krew, contact Pride Point Person Kate Lucchese today at [email protected] and please share times good to Zoom/meet to brainstorm message, bike decorating, etc. And bless you in advance!
Kate Lucchese, Pride Point Person from the Care, Fellowship & Invitation (CF&I) Ministry