Person smiling at camera

Small Group Opportunity – Guided Autobiographical Writing (GAB)

Tentative dates: 6 sessions between Sun., Oct. 29 – Sun., Dec. 10, 2023

First Church Member & Certified GAB Instructor Craig Pratt (he, him) hopes to form a small group in Guided Autobiographical writing (GAB) in our community this fall. GAB is a life-enrichment process designed by researchers and helping professionals to deepen self-understanding through the exploration of one’s life stories in “bite-sized” pieces. Since their formulation in the 1980’s, GAB techniques have been refined to eliminate the need for participants to have special writing skills or to make extended time commitments. The group will meet in person for six sessions (circa Oct. 29 through Dec. 10) with each session between 1.5 and 2 hours. Scheduling will be done on consensus basis for weekly sessions wherein participants will write two-page stories and, on a volunteer basis, present their writing in a confidential and supportive group setting. No fees but consistent attendance will be important.

For more information about GAB, consult:

To inquire about becoming a participant email Craig at [email protected]