Time sensitive
Reverend Molly & First Church Member Susan Aberg are involved in a committee that’s collecting memories from early days of People’s Park & the Free Speech Movement—something suitable for a living history document, webpage, dissertation, or a living memorial. (People’s Park is located just east of Telegraph Avenue & surrounded by Haste & Bowditch, & Dwight Way, near the UC Berkeley. The park was created during the radical political activism of the late 1960s.)
Do you have a personal memory from those early days or a story you heard from your elders, your Mother, your grandfather, for instance, about that park for the people?
Were you one of the protestors who had photographs from those days of demonstrations, sit-ins, & discourse?
Would you have a story to tell? Or something you overheard that may be socially relevant for further research & documentation?
Susan Aberg would love to follow up with you directly to learn more. (She wasn’t in Berkeley until the late 1970s, so her first-hand experiences & stories of People’s Park began then.) Please email Susan at [email protected]. Thanks for any/all leads.